

Package com.kustomer.core.providers

This package contains all Provider classes for Kustomer

Provider classes enables interaction with Kustomer Services.

Note: Before you begin, make sure you have initialized KustomerCore class with a valid API key

Kustomer API Providers -

KusChatProvider :

KusPushRegistrationProvider :

KusKbProvider :

All API providers return a response wrapped as KusResult APIs with network or heavy processing operations are currently marked with suspend modifier, and can be called from CoroutinesKusCallback response support will be added in the future for these suspend functions


Name Summary
KusChatProvider [androidJvm]
interface KusChatProvider
This provider class is used to interact with all chat related functionality.
KusKbProvider [androidJvm]
interface KusKbProvider
This provider class is used to register/unregister device token in Core SDK.
KusPollerConfigProvider [androidJvm]
interface KusPollerConfigProvider
Chat polling configuration for implementing polling in case KusChatListener is disconnected due to spotty internet connections.
KusPushNotification [androidJvm]
data class KusPushNotification(val conversationId: String, val title: String?, val displayText: String, val user: KusUser?)
KusPushRegistrationProvider [androidJvm]
interface KusPushRegistrationProvider
This provider class is used to register/unregister device token in Core SDK.


Name Summary
asPushMessage [androidJvm]
fun Map<String, String>.asPushMessage(): KusPushNotification?