


@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)

data class KusChatSetting(var id: String?, val widgetType: KusPreferredView, val teamName: String? = "", val teamIconUrl: String?, val greeting: String?, @Json(name = "activeForm")val activeFormId: String?, val activeAssistant: String?, val enabled: Boolean, var kbId: String?, var brandId: String?, var showAllBrandsConversationHistory: Boolean = false, @Json(name = "offhoursDisplay")val availability: KusChatAvailability = KusChatAvailability.KUS_OFFLINE, @Json(name = "offhoursImageUrl")val offHoursImageUrl: String?, @Json(name = "offhoursMessage")val offHoursMessage: String?, val volumeControl: KusVolumeControlSetting?, @Json(name = "waitMessage")val defaultWaitMessage: String?, val closableChat: Boolean, val singleSessionChat: Boolean, val noHistory: Boolean, val showBrandingIdentifier: Boolean? = true, val showTypingIndicatorCustomerWeb: Boolean? = false, val showTypingIndicatorWeb: Boolean? = false, val sharedPubNubKeySet: KusChatSetting.PubNubKeySet, val orgPubNubKeysets: List<KusChatSetting.PubNubKeySet>?, val assistantRules: List<KusAssistantRule>?, val disableAttachments: Boolean? = false, val outboundChatEnabled: Boolean? = false, val sentry: KusSentryConfig? = null, var rawJson: Any?)

This object contains organization specific settings configured in Kustomer


KusChatSetting [androidJvm]
fun KusChatSetting(id: String?, widgetType: KusPreferredView, teamName: String? = "", teamIconUrl: String?, greeting: String?, @Json(name = "activeForm")activeFormId: String?, activeAssistant: String?, enabled: Boolean, kbId: String?, brandId: String?, showAllBrandsConversationHistory: Boolean = false, @Json(name = "offhoursDisplay")availability: KusChatAvailability = KusChatAvailability.KUS_OFFLINE, @Json(name = "offhoursImageUrl")offHoursImageUrl: String?, @Json(name = "offhoursMessage")offHoursMessage: String?, volumeControl: KusVolumeControlSetting?, @Json(name = "waitMessage")defaultWaitMessage: String?, closableChat: Boolean, singleSessionChat: Boolean, noHistory: Boolean, showBrandingIdentifier: Boolean? = true, showTypingIndicatorCustomerWeb: Boolean? = false, showTypingIndicatorWeb: Boolean? = false, sharedPubNubKeySet: KusChatSetting.PubNubKeySet, orgPubNubKeysets: List<KusChatSetting.PubNubKeySet>?, assistantRules: List<KusAssistantRule>?, disableAttachments: Boolean? = false, outboundChatEnabled: Boolean? = false, sentry: KusSentryConfig? = null, rawJson: Any?)


Name Summary
Companion [androidJvm]
object Companion
PubNubKeySet [androidJvm]
@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class PubNubKeySet(val publishKey: String, val subscribeKey: String, val brand: String?)


Name Summary
assistantId [androidJvm]
fun assistantId(): String?
brandId [androidJvm]
fun brandId(): String?
isChatAvailable [androidJvm]
fun isChatAvailable(businessSchedule: KusSchedule?): KusChatAvailability
isPushNotificationEnabled [androidJvm]
fun isPushNotificationEnabled(): Boolean
showAllBrandsConversationHistory [androidJvm]
fun showAllBrandsConversationHistory(): Boolean


Name Summary
activeAssistant [androidJvm]
val activeAssistant: String?
activeFormId [androidJvm]
val activeFormId: String?
assistantRules [androidJvm]
val assistantRules: List<KusAssistantRule>?
availability [androidJvm]
val availability: KusChatAvailability
brandId [androidJvm]
var brandId: String?
closableChat [androidJvm]
val closableChat: Boolean
defaultWaitMessage [androidJvm]
val defaultWaitMessage: String?
disableAttachments [androidJvm]
val disableAttachments: Boolean? = false
enabled [androidJvm]
val enabled: Boolean
greeting [androidJvm]
val greeting: String?
id [androidJvm]
var id: String?
Id of the Settings object
kbId [androidJvm]
var kbId: String?
noHistory [androidJvm]
val noHistory: Boolean
offHoursImageUrl [androidJvm]
val offHoursImageUrl: String?
offHoursMessage [androidJvm]
val offHoursMessage: String?
orgPubNubKeysets [androidJvm]
val orgPubNubKeysets: List<KusChatSetting.PubNubKeySet>?
outboundChatEnabled [androidJvm]
val outboundChatEnabled: Boolean? = false
rawJson [androidJvm]
var rawJson: Any?
sentry [androidJvm]
val sentry: KusSentryConfig? = null
sharedPubNubKeySet [androidJvm]
val sharedPubNubKeySet: KusChatSetting.PubNubKeySet
showAllBrandsConversationHistory [androidJvm]
var showAllBrandsConversationHistory: Boolean = false
showBrandingIdentifier [androidJvm]
val showBrandingIdentifier: Boolean? = true
showTypingIndicatorCustomerWeb [androidJvm]
val showTypingIndicatorCustomerWeb: Boolean? = false
showTypingIndicatorWeb [androidJvm]
val showTypingIndicatorWeb: Boolean? = false
singleSessionChat [androidJvm]
val singleSessionChat: Boolean
teamIconUrl [androidJvm]
val teamIconUrl: String?
This can be displayed at the top of your chat widget
teamName [androidJvm]
val teamName: String?
Name of the organization to be shown on UI
volumeControl [androidJvm]
val volumeControl: KusVolumeControlSetting?
waitMessage [androidJvm]
val waitMessage: String?
widgetType [androidJvm]
val widgetType: KusPreferredView
This indicates whether to show both Chat & KB on the UI or only one of them